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 Story written by the model, Han Zheng  “I think my body is ugly. Growing up feminine, my body was an easy target for proving the triumph of masculine hostility by constantly being shoved into toilets or punched and scratched until it was covered in

Story written by the model, Han Zheng

“I think my body is ugly. Growing up feminine, my body was an easy target for proving the triumph of masculine hostility by constantly being shoved into toilets or punched and scratched until it was covered in blood and eventually scars. So when I moved to America, I hoped that my body would be given a second chance. Unfortunately, my yellowness gets in the way. Queer bodies of color are doomed to suffer. We're either the exotic sexual adventure, or the repulsive other. June is #pride month, the only month we celebrate our existence. It's silly, but it does empower me to show what I am most ashamed of. I am not thirst-trapping for sympathetic praise. Today I just wanna "BE." Be with this body I deemed ugly and learn to be kind to it. I am trying to love it, which will take some time”